Bedroom for girls is usually not very far away from feminine, beautiful, elegant, and fresh impression which is covered in pink, white, light green or light blue which is dominant. Usually those colors become the identity of girls not only in bedroom design, but also to the furniture and tools they use.
The Functions of Bedroom for Girls
Designing comfortable bedroom for girls indeed becomes quite challenge for some parents since it not sure that the design and decoration which is good for parents would also be good for the girls. Thus, they need well approach from parents in designing their bedroom without abandoning the willingness of the girls themselves. Parents need to direct their daughter to choose neat, clean, and healthy minimalist bedroom design, yet also they need you remember to mix the idea and the willingness of their daughters in decoration, color, and furniture.
If the deal is agreed between parents and girls in designing beautiful bedroom for girls, surely daughters would like more to at home and at her bedroom without having to be out of the house for long time. Moreover, nowadays in this modern era, it is so hard to protect girls in her time between teenage to adult from promiscuity influence. One effective way is parents have to be smart in fulfilling the need and the willingness of their daughters in order they prefer to stay in their bedroom to do positive things than going out in the night.
Combining Two Colors in Bedroom for Girls
Designing bedroom for girls indeed is very fun for there are many unique details which need to be prepared. It is surely different with the design of bedroom for boys; for boys are simpler and do not need accessories like girls.
Just like we often see in bedroom for girls, they usually love colors in feminine look like pink, ocean blue, or purple for not only the color of the wall, but also for other furniture like closet and table, they are all in similar colors. However, if you want to create fresher look, you could choose furniture in wooden color or white color which is more neutral.
The thing you should know here is that would be better if this bedroom for girls do not use one color type only for the look would not feel alive. There would be better if you combine it with other colors or use gradation colors from dark to light.
Combining two colors to wall paint is commonly able to be done to prevent the use of wallpaper which would make the look feels crowded. For instance, you could apply purple color for the bottom wall, meanwhile for the top wall you could use pink color or vise versa. This could make the bedroom for girls becomes more alive and cheerful so that it is comfortable to live in.
Therefore, you need not worry anymore that combining colors in bedroom for girls might mess up the look for if you do it well, it would become very great bedroom.