Automatic closet light fixture is automatic lamp which would be on when you open the door closet of yours. The way to install is also easy, for there is double tip on the back of the lamp. You just have to stick this lamp inside the closet and magnet membrane on the wall or other closet door in parallel side. When you open the door closet, the position of the door and the magnet membrane would not be in parallel, therefore the closet light fixture would be automatically on. The power of this lamp is using three pieces of batteries.
The main function of this automatic closet light fixture is used to light on your closet. However, this could also be utilized as emergency lamp when the electricity in the house is off. Thus, when you open the door closet, this closet light fixture would be automatically on. The existence of this automatic closet light fixture is the result of the newest technology in producing this light fixture which would help you when you often feel annoyed and hard in looking for things in the dark closet. This light fixture has some specifications.
The first is that this light fixture could be installed in anywhere, and you just have to take the cover of the double tip in the back side of this light fixture. This light fixture works by using the power of batteries. The next is that this closet light fixture would be automatically on when you open the door closet for this automatic closet light fixture is equipped by special censor which could detect any move. The last one is that this light fixture could be used in some places which need additional lighting like drawer, cabinet, and many others.
Halogen light for Closet Light Fixture
One sort of lamp which is usually used for closet light fixture is halogen. Halogen is a light lamp in which a wolfram filament is sealed in compact transparent cover which is filled with inert gas and few halogen elements like iodine or bromine. The rotation of halogen adds the age of the light bulb and prevents the embezzlement of the cover glass by lifting up the wolfram powder from the inside of the light bulb back to filament. Halogen could operate its filament in higher temperature than ordinary light without reducing the age. This lamp gives higher efficiency than ordinary light does and also emits light in higher color temperature.
As the consequence of the excess which halogen has more than ordinary light has, this sort of lamp is used for closet light fixture by some people. They believe that halogen lamp could emit more light within the closet. This closet light fixture especially helps those who have built-in closet or walk-in closet in which they need more light within. Using ordinary lamp might not be able to light the whole closet which is commonly built in bigger area than ordinary closet. Thus, people begin to turn to halogen lamp for their closet light fixture.