Have you ever heard of ottoman seats? Indeed, though this name could not become familiar in your ears, yet the presence of this seat often is met as the part of your furniture within the house. The height which is lower than the average height of seats and without backrest and armrest is identical as the chair equivalent of the place to put feet. Otherwise, this seat is often called as foot seat when you want to sit relaxed.

Functional Ottoman Seats

However, do you know by seeing its unique name, actually ottoman has been through to the long history age. Ottoman seats have existed since thirteenth centuries on the Turkey royal. At that time, Turkish has used a seat as the place to rest feet. The name of ottoman has just been popularized by English in 1806. They define this furniture as pad or seat material which does not have backrest and armrest.

At that time in Turkey, the availability of wood was very limited, thus ottoman seats mostly used hassocks similar to traditional material of Turkey for kneeling pad which is coated by leather material. Then, due to the occupation of Greeks and Roman in Egypt and Turkey, this seat is identical as the part of lounge chair as the place for the King to release fatigue.

As time goes by, ottoman in fact is getting more popular which is then popularized by English and Americans. The furniture designers keep developing their idea and create ottoman as the requirement device to match the chair or sofa in the family room.

Decorative Ottoman Seats

Now, ottoman seats commonly exist in your house. this seat is getting to have many functions, not only as the place for feet, but also as the place to sit, for coffee table, cocktail table, small desk in the corner of the room, and at once as the place to store your things.

Many terms for this unique small seat besides ottoman sets, people call it bench, puff, or footstool. Whatever you might want to call, for all of them contain the same function. At the beginning ottoman functions to hold the feet’ load and to be perfect relaxation device, when someone sits on the chair or sofa.

Ottoman seat is the only thing which is often relayed-out, and a device which does not take much space and matches to be blended with other furniture with any style, and is placed in everywhere. This flexibility becomes the selling point of ottoman on the eyes of producers, consumers, and interior designers. The shape which is small and light does not mean removing its role in fulfilling the room composition. In fact, this small shape makes ottoman becomes unique, dynamic, able to fulfill the empty room which give life impression, and able to make camouflage towards space which you do not desire.
Therefore, ottoman seats as the integral part of the room are not only the best friend of chairs or sofa. The claim that ottoman is the part of chairs or sofa only now is not relevant anymore for almost all furniture needs its presence like bedroom, dresser, and others.