Tips to Design Small Bathroom
There are some tips to design small bathroom inside your house. The first thing is choosing bathroom design which is suitable with the width of the room which you would use to design small bathroom.
The second is choosing the combination of bright colors for your bathroom so that when you do bathing, all the dirt which attaches on your skin would be clearly seen. The third step is determining whether you want to use bathroom with shower or minimalist modern bathtub. This case is surely adjusted with the width of your bathroom design. If you want to design small bathroom, you had better choose bathroom design with shower instead of bathtub since bathtub would take more space in your bathroom. The next step is choosing the design or the model of your bathroom tile flooring which has many carving or is uneven for the more carving in the ceramic is the more decreasing the level of slick in the floor is. This thing would prevent you to be slipped when you are in the bathroom.
How to Design Small Bathroom
Having small bathroom is not unnecessarily comfortable. Small bathroom could be made as comfortable as possible if we could design small bathroom well and precisely. However, we have to choose which right furniture that could be involved in your small bathroom in order its look does not become more stuffy and full. To design small bathroom, it needs some concerns especially to the use of wall paint in order its look is not getting narrower.
You had better use bright color in order your small bathroom becomes wider. If you want to place bathtub, you had better not choose the big size one. Bathtubs are available in many sizes which could be adjusted with the need. Choose bathtub which is fit to your body size. Thus, it would take much more space and the remaining place could be used as the place for cabinet or towel hanger. Using hanging cabinet is one alternative way to decrease furniture which fulfills the bathroom. Hanging cabinet could keep your toiletries.
You could choose door made of opaque glass or other alternative is using sliding door. Sliding door could increase much room usage. By using glass door, light from outside of the room could come inside so that bathroom would feel wider. There are also many glass doors which have good ornaments on it. Adjust the color of the wall paint in your bathroom in order to make it more harmonious.
Moreover, to design small bathroom, you could use the effect of light reflection. You could use mirror or ceramic which could reflect the light so that the room seems larger. Either using big-sized ceramic or mosaic ceramic also could become alternative option in order small bathroom looks larger and bigger. This effect is success to give wide impression to the bathroom. For ceramic design, you had better use similar design and size for tile flooring and the wall.