The use of marble would give luxury impression within your house, especially your kitchen. This becomes reason for some people in choosing marble as their kitchen countertop idea; meanwhile some others even avoid the use of marble with the same reason.
Designing Kitchen Countertop Ideas with Fabulous Marble
However, do you know that actually using marble is not just making the house becomes luxury? There are some other benefits by using marble for your kitchen countertop ideas. Marble material has some excesses which could ensure you more to use this material for countertop of your kitchen. The first goodness is that marble would not fast heat up. As we know that kitchen are relatively close to heat form some spots like kitchen stove or hot foods. The purpose of countertop presence in the kitchen is as kitchen table in which you often put some hot things on its surface.
The second goodness is that marble is resistant to scratch. Some sources say that marble is pretty resistant towards light scratch. Kitchen countertop is often used for the pedestal of some cooking process like cutting or chopping directly on the surface of it. Therefore, the use of marble for kitchen countertop ideas would be perfect option for those who concern about any possible scratch on their countertop.
The next goodness of marble is durable. Marble would be more durable than material usually used like ceramic. This would decrease your budget for kitchen improvement. The fourth goodness of marble for kitchen countertop ideas is easily maintained. The maintenance of marble is not too hard. You could use laundry bleach liquid to clean marble which is stained. Coat marble with a sheet of tissue which has been given bleach liquid, and stick it with scotch tape. You just need to wait for a few minutes till the stain moves to the tissue. The next goodness of marble is the type and style. Marble material has many types and styles, and available in various prices from the most expensive one to the most reachable price. You could adjust it with your ability and your need.
Marble for kitchen countertop ideas
After all knowing about the goodness, marble material also has some lacks which you had better concern if you decide to choose marble for kitchen countertop ideas. The first lack is the expensive price. Marble for kitchen countertop ideas with best quality is expensive countertop. If you want special shape, you would be dealing with the higher price.
The next lack is this type of material is slick. Marble tends to be slick after being polished so that you need extra prudent if its surface is exposed to water or other slick liquid.
The last lack is this material is hard to fix. Though it is resistant to light scratch, marble has to be away of any damage of big scratch from your kitchen appliances. To recover marble from serious enough scratch, you need help from the expert. Marble needs seal to give cover which strengthens it from stain and harm.