Designing kitchen without any knowledge is relevantly often becoming trouble. This thing should be indeed given to the expert, architect. However If you want to try to design kitchen by yourself, you actually may do it. There are many kitchen design software free to design your own kitchen. That software is coming in various types either the complicated one or the simple one. One of simple kitchen design software free is Sweet Home 3D.
This application could be utilized to design home staying in simple scope. You could use it to create house plans and arrange the layout of your furniture. The way to use is so simple, you just have you drag and drop system.
The result could be seen as real –time in 3D, though when you create in the first place, the shape would be in 2D. You even could take a look inside the house as though you are really coming in the house through touring virtual feature. The first step to do is you have to download, install, and apply the software. You would see three windows in this application.
The left side window contains components of the house, the top-right side is containing the picture of working are, and the bottom-right side is containing the preview of 3D design. The second step is changing application measurement unit. This part includes the way in applying colors and texture of the house.
Kitchen Design Software Free: Sweet Home 3D
The next step of this software is starting to create the house plan design. Make sure you have known the size of building area. You usually have to create the main wall of the building in this step before you go on the next step. The look of your house wall would directly appear in the bottom-right side of application. You could shape the wall of the house through button. The way to use is the same as creating the wall. This tool would make the room area at once show its size.
After those rooms are shaped, you could modify each room. You have to give names of the rooms created. You could choose colors for the floor and the ceiling. Then, you could choose the texture of the floor as well. You could modify the wall and arranging its color and its texture. You could also arrange the thickness and the height of the wall from the menus provided.
After those steps completed, you could make windows and doors. Place the doors and windows in the position that you desire. If you want to change the size, you could also do this as simple. After you finish creating the doors and windows, you need to install it to the sills. You have to concern about the opening direction of the doors. If the curve is inside the room, that means the opening direction of the doors leads to inside.
After the construction is done, you could design the layout of the furniture. The place you could choose furniture is in the top-left window menu. For kitchen, you could find kitchen furniture in the kitchen menu and place them in the kitchen. The look of your 3D house design could be rotated as you wish in order to ease you to see the whole room. Last step is saving your design to be consulted to the architect and contractor. Those ways could be applied in any room of the house includes kitchen. Kitchen design software free could ease you in designing your kitchen.