Kitchen is are in the house in which family often gather to prepare foods, share foods, and even invite friends or acquaintance to cook together. When the space in the kitchen is optimized, automatically to cook, to prepare foods, and to save on appliances suitable with for cooking would be more efficient, comfortable, and fun.
Tips to Save on Appliances The Kitchen

However, many people who have problem within kitchen, especially related to the limited space which limits their move. Some tips about smart and precise ways to arrange kitchen and save on appliances within kitchen effectively would be delivered here.

The first way is choosing kitchen appliances which are mini sized. If you live by yourself in occupancy, or live with your small family, surely, the portion of the meal which is cooked is fewer, the appliances used are few, and the area for storing foodstuffs becomes fewer as well. Consider choosing smaller appliances like mini fridge, mini microwave, up to stove in small size. Furthermore, place rack or cabinet which is not really big so that many spaces in the kitchen which could be utilized for your mobility during cooking.

The second way is making kitchen appliances which could function double. Kitchen appliances or furniture which could function double surely is one effective way to anticipate the kitchen limitation. You could combine the counter desk with the storing cabinet below, or the counter desk with the fridge below. You could also combine the kitchen unit with by combining oven and microwave. This thing becomes good strategy to save on appliances in the kitchen without sacrificing each function.

The Kitchen Becomes Effective

The third is to save on appliances and cutlery ergonomically. Appliances which are often used for cooking process like spatula, frying pans, and others should be placed next to the stove. Meanwhile appliances which are usually used to measure like scoop spoon and others should be placed close to the countertop which is usually functioned as the preparation area to prepare foodstuffs which would be cooked.

The fourth is installing wall shelf rack to keep herbs and spices. Wall mounted rack could be used to place jars or box containing herbs and apices. You could also place tissue or cloth in this rack to anticipate if there are herbs or spices which spills.
This wall-mounted rack could also be used to hang cooking appliances in small size like small pot, pan, or Teflon. The last one is you could spare few space to place recipe books or magazines about cooking in order to enrich your reference in cooking. The fifth is maximizing area on top of cabinet to save on appliances in big size. Big appliances which are rare used usually only are functioned when you want to cook special food to be served in particular events.